The aim is to minimise the impact of a foreseeable event and to plan for how our clients will resume normal operations after the crisis. Specialist Advisory & Intervention Group accurately identifies foreseeable risks and effectively prepares for threats. During crisis we identify, assess, understand and help our clients cope with the current crisis at hand, from the point of occurrence to the commencement of the recovery procedures under our clients watch.The aim of crisis management is to be well prepared for crisis, ensure a rapid and adequate response to the crisis, maintaining clear lines of reporting and communication and agreeing to rules for crisis termination. Our meticulous planning and strategising allows our clients to respond quickly in crisis. Our methodologies respond to both the reality and perception of crisis. We support our clients by helping them identify and understand the issues and challenges of crisis management from a strategic perspective. Leadership is an important force in stabilising the situation for the organisation’s staff, its customers and its reputation.